As launch officers make their final preparations for the New Mexico Space Grant Consortium’s (NMSGC) SL-5 Student Launch, all systems are a go for launching from Spaceport America Friday, May 20.
Engineers from UP Aerospace have prepared the rocket for the launch rail and are doing final systems checks, as NMSGC officials are finalizing preparations to host more than 800 students for the NASA sponsored launch.
All experiments will have sensors or video data recorded. All data will be downloaded after the launch at Spaceport America. Having students and teachers from New Mexico, Texas and Arizona all together with experiments on this rocket will be a great day for New Mexico, said NMSGC Director Patricia Hynes. The student launch program was created by the NMSGC to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs for area students. This program provides annual access to space for student experiments at the end of the academic year.
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